Summer Shipping on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Due to high heat, please select 3 Day or less.


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Join us on a tour of our bean-to-bar chocolate factory! See, smell, hear, and taste how we make chocolate at our Rookwood Commons location.

You will:

  • Hear why the Picton family changed from airplanes to chocolate.
  • Learn how farmers grow, ferment, and prepare cacao.
  • See the full bean-to-bar process of making chocolate.
  • Enjoy chocolate samples! 

The Details

  • Tours run 30 to 45 minutes
  • Capacity is limited to 15 people (not including infant to 2 year olds).
  • Closed toe shoes must be worn to comply with the Health Code (no sandals).
  • Hair must be covered with a hat or hairnets will be provided.
  • Face masks are not required.
  • Infants must be held in arms or a baby carrier. Strollers are allowed in the retail area but not back in the factory.